The FIQC online certification system is an online portal that manages the issuance of different types of Licenses, Health Certificates, country requirement-specific Additional Health Certificates, Import NOCs, Import Registration Certificates, and Import Release Letters. The portal offers online registration, application and fee payment services and issues system-generated certificates. The system is connected to QC labs information management system to facilitate lab testing and inspection processes. The purpose is to streamline the certification issuance process, reduce turnaround time, and improve overall efficiency, transparency and accountability.

FIQC (Fish Investigation and Quality Control) under Department of Fisheries provides Licenses for a wide range of businesses and fish processing plants that are relevant to fisheries or fish production and processing.

Health Certificate
This certificate is mainly given consignment based to Exporters. Exporters have to fill out the application form and attach their invoice with the application.

Import NOC
NOC (No Objection Certificate) is provided by FIQC before any fish or relevant products enter from any port of Bangladesh. After an fish importer submits the NOC application, it goes through a few verification process and in finally given by FIQC.

Import Release Letter
Release letter is given to Fish Importers based on consignments. Importers need to provide this Release Letter from FIQC to customs to release their products from customs warehouses after importing.

Import Registration Certificate
An importer of Fish and Fishery product must get an Import Registration Certificate from FIQC.

Additional Health Certificate
For export of fishery product, many countries require an additional certificate in the correspondent countries approved format where FIQC certify as an overseeing authority.